Here At Rosehill

At Rosehill Mastiffs, we take great pride in every puppy that we produce! We breed very selectively with the loving show home in mind. Yes, we breed for show! We strive for excellent conformation as well as excellent health and temperament. We take pride in seeing our dogs in the show ring and knowing that excellence has been passed on to the next generation! Do all our dogs go into show homes? No, some are deemed as pet quality. Breeeding for show means you strive to produce show quality. The puppies that show the potential to succeed in the show ring are sold as show, and those that are deemed pet quality are sold on limited registration... but are as healthy and temperamentally sound as any of our show pups! It is essential to us that all our dogs leave for their new homes happy and ready to be loved and we do all in our power to achieve that goal. Consequently, we do our best to match our puppies with the best families for them. With that in mind, if you are interested get in touch with via the form below for more information.